RRB NTPC 2016 CBT Question paper 7 April 2016 All Shifts (Shift 1 + Shift 2 + Shit 3)

RRB NTPC 2016 CBT Question paper 7 April 2016 All Shifts (Shift 1 + Shift 2 + Shit 3)
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Morning shift Questions asked with Answers of RRB NTPC 7 April 2016: (1st shift)
1. Author of the Novel “A Brief History of Seven Killings”
Ans.  Marlon James
2. Zn is present in?
3. Which one is fastest memory?
Ans. Cache
4. Yogeshwar Dutt is from which field?
Ans. Wrestler
Who is the writer of Sustainable Development?
5. Mountain Railways of India?
Ans. Kashmir Railway
6. East india company is also known as?
7. Year of NASA Act?
Ans. Who written Natya Shastra?
Ans. Bharat muni
8. SAADMEX 2015 held at?
9. Fruit bats are host to which virus?
10. Smap satellite launched by
Ans. Nasa
11. Full Form of GSLV?
Ans. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
12. To the brink and back book written by?
Ans.  Jairam Ramesh
13.NASA was established in which year?
14.which unit is used for measuring ozone layer thickness?
15. Who is BCCI president
Ans: Shashank Manohar
16.Odd man Out (Physics, chemistry, biology, social)
Ans: Social
17.Lalit Kala Akademi?
Ans:To encourage and promote study and research in the fields of creative arts such as painting, sculpture and graphics etc.
18.Female anopheles mosquito causes Which disease?
Ans: Malaria
19. Man Booker Prize 2015?
Ans: Marlon James
20.Father of White Revolution in India
Ans: V.Kurien
21.The acid used is car battery is?
Ans: Sulphuric Acid
22.‘Land of the morning Clam’ refers to?
Ans: Korea
23..WHO was established in the year?
Ans: 1948
24..Evergreen forests are found in?
Ans: Equatorial regions
25 Ozone hole clearly visible in antarctic which season?
Ans: Summer(October)
Afternoon shift Questions asked with Answers of RRB NTPC 7 April 2016: (2nd shift)
1. Who is the chairman of Bank Board Bureau?
Ans. Vinod Rai
2. What is the full form of PCB?
Ans. Printed Circuit Board
3. Who was Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1971?
Ans. Tajuddin Ahmad
4. Who is the Brand Ambassador of Tata Motors?
Ans. Lionel Messi
5. When East India Company Came to India?
Ans. 1600
6. When was formed Azad hind Fauz?
Ans. 1943
7. Netware belongs to which country?
Ans. India
8. Who was second time Chief in 2011 of UN?
Ans. Ban-ki-moon
9. Asia Cup 2015 Winner?
Ans. India
10. Who is National Chairperson of Human Right?
Ans. HL Dattu
11. What is National Motto of India?
Evening shift Questions asked with Answers of RRB NTPC 7 April 2016: (3rd shift)
1. U-17 football world cup Venue?
Ans: India
2. Chicken pox vaccine name?
Ans: Varicella
3. Hridayanth mangeshkar award 2015 winner?
Ans: AR Rehman
4. hirakud dam located on which river?
Ans: Mahandi
5. Mount kilimangaro sitauated in which countery?
Ans: Tanzania
6. polio vaccine was invented by?
Ans: Albert sabin
7. My stamp services lanuched in mumbai post office for what purpose?
Ans: for porsanalized sheets of postage stamp
8. Ellora caves constructed in which century?
Ans: between 6th and 10th century
9. where was Golf invented?
Ans: Scotland
10. the 95th constitution Amendment was?
Ans: To extand the period of reservation to 2020
11. Shape of orbits of Plant?
Ans: Elliptical